Each March, the Brain Injury Association of America leads the nation in raising awareness to Brain Injury Awareness Month. The organization conducts campaigns each year with the goal to educate the public about the occurrence of brain injuries and the needs of those who are suffering. Brain injuries are often referred to as the “silent epidemic” due to the fact that brain injuries are not always visible to others. Although you may not believe it, brain injuries are extremely common. Raising awareness is vital because more people experience a brain injury than you may think.

Common ways you can experience a brain injury:

    • Falls
    • Car accidents
  • Sports injuries

At least 5.3 million Americans, two percent of the U.S. population, currently live with disabilities resulting from a traumatic brain injury. TBI is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adults from ages 1 to 44. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of the symptoms and signs of a brain injury. Those include:

In adults

    • Slurred speech
    • Vomiting or nausea
    • Persistent or worsening headaches
    • Numbness
    • Weakness
  • Decreased coordination

In children

    • Excessive crying
    • Slurred speech
    • Vomiting or nausea
    • Numbness
    • weakness
    • Decrease in coordination
  • Loss of appetite or inability to eat

Each year the campaign has a new theme to raise awareness towards a new brain injury stigma. The 2018 theme is, #ChangeYourMind, the goal of the campaign this year is to raise awareness within the brain injury community. They want to de-stigmatize the injury while empowering those who have survived, along with promoting the numerous types of support that is available. That is exactly why we at Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness, support this amazing campaign. You can join the #ChangeYourMind Awareness Campaign today, click here to register!

Brain Injury Awareness Month
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Brain Injury Awareness Month
That is exactly why we at Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness, support this amazing campaign. You can join the #ChangeYourMind Awareness Campaign today, click here to register!
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Block Chiropractic & Sports Physical Therapy
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