chiropractor for thrown out back smithtown

What Does It Mean To “Throw Your Back Out”

smithtown physical therapy“I threw my back out” is undoubtedly one of those phrases that we all have used at one time or another to describe our back pain. But can any of us say for certain what it actually means? The simple answer to that question is “No”. A phrase like “I threw my back out” is both effective and ineffective at the same time in the sense that it immediately communicates that something doesn’t feel quite right, but also lacks the specificity required for the most appropriate treatment. To get this treatment, our staff offers services such as chiropractic care and physical therapy in Smithtown.

That is why, whether you may have pulled a specific muscle while picking something up off the floor, or have immobilized nearly your entire back by hitting the gym too hard, we urge you to make an appointment with us to speak with a physical therapist in Smithtown about the right treatment for you.

At Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness, we want nothing more than for you to feel comfortable taking advantage of our state-of-the-art facility, professional staff, and hands-on care in eliminating your back pain. During your first visit, our physical therapist in Smithtown will perform a thorough examination to properly diagnose your injury and devise a treatment plan that may include:

    • Chiropractic care
    • Physical therapy
    • Massage therapy
    • Yoga

Outside of our office, there are several steps you can take to prevent your back from getting thrown out again. These steps include:

    • Eating a healthy diet full of foods that serve as natural anti-inflammatories
    • Warming up before regular exercise
    • Resting for an appropriate amount of time after exercise
    • Lifting with your knees, not your back

Physical Therapy in Smithtown For Thrown Out Back – Block Chiropractic

So, we may never have a definitive answer for what it means, but we can guarantee that if you’re looking for a physical therapist in Smithtown, Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness will give you the treatment you need! Contact us today!

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Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy
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Physical Therapy
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