Physical Therapy in Hauppauge

physical therapy in middle island

Dr. Jeffrey Block founded Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy in Hauppauge – serving clients in Smithtown since 1993. He soon opened a second location in Selden, intended for his brother Dr. Richard Block, who was getting ready to graduate from chiropractic college and join his brother in practice. Since then, Dr. Jeff has switched to the Selden office and Dr. Rick works out of our Smithtown location. We work with physical therapists to offer our communities a complete healing experience.

Healing From the Inside Out

Our goal is to teach people that health comes from within, rather than from outside intervention. Staying healthy is the superior choice to seeking treatment once you’re sick. Therefore, we’re here to get you out of pain and help you prevent future problems from affecting your life.

Determining Your Specific Needs With Physical Therapy in Hauppauge

The practitioners at both of our locations are trained in different areas and provide a range of complementary services. Our first goal is to figure out why problems exist in your body. Then, if we determine that we can help you, we’ll discuss the options you have to regain your health. Rather than just focusing on making you feel better, we address the cause of your pain.

Our manual physical therapists in Hauppauge are former Division 1 athletes that understand the toll stress and injury take on your body. We also provide personal training and strength and conditioning with our therapists, who each holds a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Our modern treatment options include state-of-the-art equipment, and you’ll be with your physical therapist for the entire session. We individualize each program to help you recover as quickly as possible.

Physical therapy helps restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities. Physical therapy helps reestablish, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health.

Common Conditions and Treatment for Physical Therapy in Hauppauge

Our physical therapists in Hauppauge treat individuals with conditions such as low-back pain, arthritis, sports injuries, post-surgical cases, balance and vertigo disorders, neurological disorders, fractures, head injuries, and TMJD (Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder). Treatments often include skilled manual therapy, individualized exercise programs, and modalities (cold laser, electrical stimulation, moist heat, and cryotherapy). Our mission is to design an individualized program with the most up-to-date evidence and return you to your normal level of function.

Contact Us For Physical Therapy in Hauppauge


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    What Are Common Sports Injuries And How Can PT Help?

    Actively participating in sports is considered one of the best ways to improve cardiovascular health, maintain flexibility, and relieve stress. However, with the frequent movements that sports require, injuries can often occur as a result of insufficient stretching, or contact with other players. In some cases, taking steps on your own to strengthen key muscles and managing the health of the body can make some sports-related injuries preventable. Unfortunately, in many other cases, injury occurs by chance with no way to prepare. Because sports-related injuries are so common, your team could be suffering from an abundance of players who are missing time due to injury. The physical therapy in Hauppauge team at Block Sports Chiropractic, and Physical Therapy have been trusted since 1993 to deal with injury prevention and recovery. Specializing in sports-related injury and care, you can trust our staff in providing the most effective treatment options available!

    How Can PT Help?

    Physical therapy is one of the best ways to help reduce your pain, strengthen the injured muscle or muscles surrounding an injured bone, and ultimately help you return to the playing field. Here are some common sports-related injuries and how physical therapy can likely help:

    • Shin Splints – Often caused by repetitive stress to the legs such as running or jumping, shin splints refer to the painful inflammation of the tendons and muscles surrounding the tibia. Treatment with physical therapy involves ice and compression therapy, stretching, strengthening the surrounding muscles to prevent future injury, and making any necessary modifications to your current running form.
    • Sprained Ankle – These usually occur when the foot twists inward, causing the weak outer ligaments to stretch or tear. Physical therapy for ankle injuries is essential for restoring stability and flexibility, while limited, exercising with an injured ankle is essential in maintaining what strength remains to prevent re-injury after healing.
    • Pulled Groin – Soreness or inflammation of the groin or inner-thigh muscles caused by side-to-side motion. Gentle exercises are used to recover by increasing blood flow and range of movement in the hip area. Stretches and warm-up exercises are often recommended to prevent future groin injuries

    Physical therapy in Hauppauge is made possible with the team at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy. When left untreated, many conditions caused by sports can either get worse or cause persistent pain in the future. These injuries do not have to keep you on the sideline any longer; recovery with physical therapy is an ideal way to become stronger and prevent future injury.   If you are looking for physical therapy in Hauppauge, Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy has been serving the local sports communities for over 25 years. You do not have to struggle with your pain and recovery alone, reach out, and schedule an appointment with us today!

    How Does Low Potassium Affect Your Muscles?

    It is not uncommon for people to equate protein levels with healthy growth and development of muscles. What many do not realize, however, is potassium also plays a vital role in this process. Those lacking in potassium levels are subject to an array of issues, but you need not fret. By contacting Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, you’ll be put in the hands of some of the best Physical Therapy in Hauppauge. Our staff educates all of our patients about potassium related issues and forms of treatment we offer. 

    Increases The Level Of Muscle Fatigue:

    Low levels of potassium lead to increased levels of fatigue in your muscles. This nutrient allows your muscles to contract properly. Low potassium levels lead to weaker contractions, meaning more force is necessary to move them adequately. This extra force could be the primary reason your muscles are feeling fatigued.

    Fatigue Leads To Spasm And Cramps:

    When your muscles are fatigued, they are more likely to experience spasms and cramps, which are sudden, uncontrolled contractions of the muscles. Aside from increased levels of fatigue, potassium also plays another role in muscle cramps. It helps to relay signals from the brain that stimulate contractions. When potassium levels are low, these signals cannot be relayed properly, thus leading to cramps. By visiting Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, you will be able to meet with Physical Therapy in Hauppauge who can help alleviate the following symptoms:

    • Mild twitches of the muscles.
    • Severe pain.
    • Harder muscles to touch than average.
    • Muscles being visibly distorted.

    Blood Flow To The Muscles:

    As previously stated, potassium plays a pivotal role in relaying signals from the brain to your muscles. Potassium, however, also helps regulate the flow of blood to your muscles. Low levels of the nutrient can cause blood vessels to contract, which limits the blood flow to the muscles. Blood is rich with oxygen and other vital nutrients, and muscles can become achy and stiff with insufficient circulation. It may take the services of Physical Therapy in Hauppauge to help you deal with this muscular discomfort, and Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy offers these capabilities.

    Chiropractic care can work wonders for those experiencing muscular issues due to low levels of potassium. At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, our team offers several chiropractic services that can be used to manage and treat any related muscular problems. We will also grant you access to our nutritional pharmacy which can help increase your levels of potassium. By teaming up with Physical Therapy in Hauppauge, you will receive quality care centered around you!

    Can Physical Therapy Improve Mobility?

    Often we just accept the usual aches and pains we experience on a regular basis instead of taking the time to really get to the root of the problem. But when aches and pains begin to affect your quality of life, for example, your ability to work a job or participate in your favorite activities, something needs to be done. If this is the case for you, physical therapy can help you to improve your mobility and get you back to a life of pain-free movement. If you have growing concerns about your potential ailment and want to improve your mobility, we suggest getting Physical Therapy in Hauppauge by visiting Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy. With a staff consisting of experienced physical therapists and chiropractors, we can help correct your situation and provide the very best when it comes to personalized attention and care.  

    Reasons to Improve Your Mobility:

    Mobility is the ability to move your body freely and with ease. Movements that cause pain can lead to severe health consequences and alter your quality of living. Being mobile is a key aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The more mobile you are, the more it can help improve your health in various ways. See below for a few examples of how increased movements can benefit you: physical therapy in hauppauge

    • Lower chances of serious health complications – Being more mobile allows you to be more physically active which helps to decrease your risk of dealing with serious health concerns such as obesity and heart disease.
    • Decrease the risk of injury – Proper mobility and flexibility insures that the body is in a safe and optimal position so that your desired exercise is done properly. Inability to move freely can potentially put you at risk during your workouts.  
    • Increased strength – Boosted mobility makes it easier to achieve the desired body movements that allow your muscles to get stronger.
    • Lower stress levels and better moods – Being able to move your body allows you to be more active and engage in activities you enjoy doing. This helps to produce endorphins in your body which helps to reduce stress and make you feel happy/comfortable. 

    Injuries or Conditions that Affect Mobility and Can Benefit From Physical Therapy:

    A variety of injuries or medical conditions can have an effect on your mobility and lead to other health issues. Having Physical Therapy in Hauppauge can help heal injuries quicker and with more efficiency, and also help those dealing with illness or chronic pain. Here are some conditions in which utilizing physical therapy can help increase and improve mobility:  

    • Lower Back Pain.
    • Arthritis.
    • Tendonitis.
    • Muscle Pain, Sprains, and Strains.
    • Multiple Sclerosis.
    • Cerebral Palsy.

    How Can Physical Therapy in Hauppauge Help You?

    With help from Physical Therapy Hauppauge, our team of therapists can help you improve your mobility and enjoy a more pain-free quality of life. Our facilities include state-of-the-art equipment and each time you are here your physical therapist will be with you through every session as you work together to create the most effective and individualized program to help you get to where you want to be. With the assistance of Physical Therapy in Hauppauge, we can help you improve your mobility and get you to live a more comfortable and active lifestyle. Contact us today for more information on how we can help you.

    What Is Direct Access Physical Therapy in Hauppauge?

    Healthcare costs and insurance premiums seem to be on a steady rise each year. When a person needs care, why should they need to jump through hoops and be placed under a financial burden to receive the care they want? Thanks to direct access to physical therapy, when you require care, you’ll be able to contact our team at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy directly and without hassle.

    Direct access to physical therapy is exactly what the name suggests. When a patient suffers an injury that requires physical therapy, the traditional method of receiving it requires patients to be prescribed this form of care. However, thanks to the direct access law, patients are now legally allowed to go right to a physical therapist, like the experts on our staff at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, immediately following an injury.   

    How Does It Work?

    Granting patients access to physical therapy in Hauppauge, without the need for referrals has been a hugely positive step taken by the medical community. However, there are limitations and restrictions to the direct access law patients need to be aware of so they can reap the most benefits of this process. Before being required to get a prescription for physical therapy, patients can receive either:

    • 10 sessions of treatment.
    • Treatment for up to 30 days.

    Once these two timelines have passed, patients will need to reach out to their primary care provider if they wish to continue with physical therapy. However, 10 sessions or one month’s worth of treatment can go a long way in helping with a full recovery. 

    The Benefits Of Direct Access Physical Therapy

    It’s not hard to understand that the direct access law brings patients many benefits when it comes to physical therapy. When you choose to work with our team at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, the benefits that can be had include:

    • Eliminate the need to see multiple medical professionals for one injury.
    • Find treatment immediately to greatly increase your recovery time.
    • Reduce medical expenses by skipping over the co-pay that is required for many primary care provider visits.

    Block Sports Chiropractic And Physical Therapy

    At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, our team is committed to helping patients overcome any ailment and injury they are currently facing. If you need treatment now, don’t take the extra step of visiting your primary care doctor to receive a prescription for physical therapy. Contact our team immediately following an injury so that you can receive the care you need without hesitation.  

    Physical Therapy After an Ankle Fracture

    Fracturing your ankle does not mean you have to put your life on hold. It is an extremely common injury In the United States for all ages. Over the last few years though, there has been an increased boom in the number of ankle fracture cases, caused in part by a more active older generation. If you are concerned that you might have sustained an ankle fracture, or have any of the symptoms/pain of a possible injury, contact Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy at our Selden or Smithtown location to schedule an appointment.

    What is an ankle fracture?

    Ankle fractures can develop through any sort of unnatural movement or incident involving the ankle. Most commonly, fractures are caused by rolling your ankle too far in either direction (inward or outward). When this occurs, the small-sized bones in your ankle break from stress. Ligaments can also be torn during the injury. This can be caused by landing poorly, missing a stair on a staircase, or simply stepping wrong while walking. In the summertime ankle fracture cases exist due to injuries sustained by outdoor sports or slipping on water at the pool, opposite to slipping on ice in the wintertime but with the same result.

    Common symptoms of an ankle fracture include:

    • Swelling
    • Pain and tenderness at the source of the injury
    • Difficulty in walking
    • Bruising

    How can physical therapy help?

    When dealing with an ankle fracture, physical therapy is paramount to recovery. An ankle fracture takes weeks to heal properly, and only if it is provided the proper process to do so. If your injury is left untreated to become more injured (or is severe enough from the start) you might even be forced to partake in a surgical procedure to reposition your bone fragments back in place, which involves the high possibility of screws, metal plates, and rods placed into your ankle to assist in healing. It could take 4-8 weeks for the bones/ligaments to heal fully and several months following to regain full use of your ankle. Should you require surgery, that time period expands exponentially.

    Physical Therapy in Hauppauge

    Block Chiropractic and Sports Physical Therapy will diagnose your injury by completing a thorough physical examination and work with you to build a treatment schedule that works best for your healing process. As with many bone or joint injuries, you will need to carefully build back up the strength of your injury site without further aggravation. Our physical therapy treatments will help to restore motor function and improve mobility. Additionally, physical therapy can reduce the amount of pain experienced during healing. In general, the goal of physical therapy is to prevent any physical limitations from remaining afterward, so you can get back on your feet with no complications. 

    Understanding Neck and Back Pain: Explaining Common Injuries

    When it comes to understanding and treating neck and back pain, residents of Long Island can count on the expertise of Blocks Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy. With a convenient location near Hauppauge, NY, our clinic is a leading provider of physical therapy services that help treat a wide variety of injuries. From orthopedic care to sports medicine and occupational therapy, our team of skilled therapists is dedicated to helping patients manage their pain and improve their quality of life. Whether you’re seeking relief from a recent injury or need support with daily living activities, you’ll find caring and comprehensive care at our therapy clinic in Hauppauge.

    Our NY location offers a variety of physical therapy services that help treat the entire body, including massage therapy and vestibular rehabilitation. At Blocks Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, we understand that every patient is unique, which is why we offer personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs and goals. Whether you’re a student-athlete looking to recover from a sports injury or a senior citizen seeking relief from chronic pain, our team is here to help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

    We also take pride in serving our community, including Selden, Smithtown, Massapequa, and the surrounding areas.

    Meet Dereck Silverman, DPT in Hauppauge

    Dr. Dereck Silvermanphysical therapist in Hauppauge graduated from Oneonta State College in 2008 with a Bachelor’s degree in Biology. He next earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Sage Graduate School in 2011. Dereck’s clinical interest include manual therapy, sports rehabilitation, and injury prevention.

    He is experienced in skilled myofascial release techniques, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and provides individualized care with specifically designed treatment plans. Dereck has completed multiple courses through Great Lakes Seminars and is working towards CIMT . When not in the clinic treating, Dereck enjoys spending time with his family, participating in Triathlons, making surfboards, and traveling with his wife and daughter.

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