Are you looking for a Chiropractor in Selden?

Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy chiropractors use adjustments, soft tissue work, specialized tables, postural correction and other tools to help you recover from pain and injury and bring you to the highest levels of wellness. If you’re seeking a chiropractor in Selden, we ask that you please consider our facility located on 260 Middle Country Road.

Active Release Technique by a Chiropractor in Selden

Every session starts with an examination and ends with an adjustment.

Active Release Technique, also known as ART,  is used to help turn back on your muscles that have been shut off due to a previous injury and overused muscles.  ART requires specific protocols to reduce muscular pain. We provide soft tissue therapy that will reduce joint stress and release tight muscles.

We will provide an examination to determine your problemed areas. Our team will be able to feel the scar tissue and be able to start the process of recovery.

Some of the problemed areas that ART treats are:

  • Sciatic
  • Shin Splints
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Headaches

ART has been proven to have a number of benefits. Our team firmly believe that this technique can resolve problem areas quickly and permanently.

Cox Flexion-Distraction – Chiropractor in Selden

Cox Flexion-Distraction also is known as Cox Technic, focuses on naturally healing the spine without aid from surgery. Cox Technic is fairly quick relief from back and leg pain by realigning the spine.  Multiple benefits stem from Cox Technic such as improving range of motion in the joints and muscles, increase flexibility, decrease headaches and migraines, improves posture, and even be useful in treating neurological diseases.

Our team of doctors uses a special table that will help the traction of the spine. Our patients have been pleased with the procedure and find it extremely effective.

Graston Technique – Chiropractor in Selden

Graston Technique is used to address problem scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and range of motion. This technique is unique as it uses a set of stainless steel hand instruments to create long-term effects is restoring your affected areas. In addition to using instruments to treat your condition, we work with you and create tailored exercises to practice to add to the recovery process.

The instruments our team uses are drawn over your skin to reduce scar tissue. Graston Technique has been a reliable technique for patients experiencing soft tissue fibrosis and chronic inflammation.

Graston Technique has multiple benefits, some including;

    • Decrease time of treatment
    • Faster rehabilitation/recovery
    • Reduced need for medication
    • Provides an efficient way to preserve range of motion
    • A permanent resolution of chronic conditions

Graston Technique has been extremely effective and has multiple benefits that will ensure a high level of wellness. Our use of instruments and specific exercises designed for each individual patient has been a successful way to restore and improve muscle tone.

Selden Chiropractic treatment for headaches

As one of the most common reasons to visit the doctor, headaches are felt by about all of us at one point or another. Tension headaches, which typically give a dull and achy feeling behind the eyes or around the head, can be caused by subluxations in the neck and upper back. How does one get rid of a headache? Numerous research studies have proved that these headaches can be treated through chiropractic adjustments in Selden.

Chiropractor in Selden

Although headaches can be caused by a variety of reasons, tension headaches are often caused by bad posture or stress which can cause muscle contractions in the neck and back regions cause, they typically begin towards the middle or end of the day, and can last as little as a couple of minutes or much as a couple of days. The pain can sometimes be severe but is not usually connected with any other symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, or throbbing.

In order to treat a headache, your chiropractor may:

  • Perform chiropractic adjustments or spinal manipulation to ameliorate spinal function and alleviate the stress on the area.
  • Give advice on nutrition, which can recommend a change in diet or an increase of B complex vitamins.
  • Give advice on posture, exercises, or relaxation methods. This will help prevent the recurring tension and irritation in the neck and back.

Our team at Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness are extensively trained to know how problems in 

the spine affect other parts of the body. Headaches can be directly related to neck and back tension which can be treated with Chiropractic care in Selden. Here at Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness, we can help get rid of those recurring headaches with care and understanding through our chiropractic techniques.

So stop searching the internet for “chiropractor near me” and Click here to make an appointment!

Problems That Stem From Poor Posture – Selden Chiropactor can help!

Most people have likely been told at some point that they have poor posture, or need to improve their posture. It’s extremely common to have some degree of posture issues, and it’s not only the stereotypical “slouched” appearance that can cause problems. Any subtle positioning that results in strain on the body can cause long-term complications if it becomes habitual. If you live in Selden or Smithtown New York and have been searching the web for “chiropractor physical therapy”, Block Chiropractic Sports and Wellness can help educate and improve your posture.

Some common actions and positions that are likely culprits for bad posture include:

  • Sitting – desk jobs can often result in bad seated posture
  • Walking – making sure your gait is balanced is vital
  • Standing – square your shoulders when standing for long periods

Chiropractic care can help greatly with complications from poor posture. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Smithtown or Selden, Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness’s experienced staff will help you with any posture-related problems.

The Effectiveness of Chiropractic Care in Selden with Return to Sport Therapy

The worst thing you can do for a sports injury is an attempt to wait it out. Waiting out an injury leads to prolonged recuperation and unnecessary time off the field. Although waiting out an injury in the past may have seemed effective enough, each injury is very different. Depending on the depth and scope of the injury, patients can experience repeat injuries if they are not properly evaluated and treated. If enough time is not allocated for recovery, torn muscles or fractured bones can worsen even after the pain subsides.

Receiving proper assistance with rehabilitation for all injuries is highly recommended. It takes the right chiropractor in Selden or physical therapist to formulate a unique program tailored to you and your specific needs. This kind of customized regimen will promote a complete recovery by targeting all of the direct causes of pain. Stretching and working out the affected muscles will help build strength and mobility, minimizing your time off the field and even potentially upping your competitive edge on the field.

chiropractor’s therapy is an extremely effective way to get back on the field post injury. After only one visit, patients can start to notice signs of relief! One of the many benefits of chiropractic care in Selden is that it serves as a proven alternative to controversial pain medication. This is the best way for an injured athlete to relieve pain naturally. Not only does this care tend to the current injury, but it also can help prevent future injuries.

Physical therapy, in addition to chiropractic care, can be very beneficial. Much like the chiropractor, a physical therapist creates unique programs for each patient. They too are able to relieve pain and discomfort, while increasing muscle strength to the appropriate areas in the process.

If you are looking to heal a sports injury, Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness is the right place for you. For our patients’ convenience, we have both chiropractors and physical therapists in both of our locations. Our office is full of highly experienced staff members that truly love helping their patients. For that reason, our doctors and physical therapists are the team doctors for Queens College, LIU Post, Stony Brook University and the New York Cosmos. While we do love helping our community’s athletes, our involvement ultimately generates the best experience to further help patients at any level! Don’t let an injury keep you from performing; call to schedule an appointment for one of our Selden or Smithtown locations today!

What to look for when choosing a Chiropractor in Selden

block chiropractic seldenFollowing surgery or an injury, chiropractic care may be required to regain your original health and mobility. One example of an injury that requires chiropractic care would be one stemming from a car accident. So rather than spending your time on Google searching things like “seeing a chiropractor after a car accident” or even “how long should I go to a chiropractor after an accident”, visit our website.

Finding the right chiropractor in Selden for you and your treatment is very important. It’s also important to remember that the chiropractor will be providing you a service, and if at anytime you feel you’re not receiving the best possible treatment, you can always switch practices.

Choosing a chiropractor in Selden isn’t difficult, but you should do some research before you make your first appointment. The first and most important thing to consider while choosing a chiropractor is the location.  Treatment is most commonly done three times per week for 6 weeks, and driving far for an appointment is not something you will enjoy. Some injuries and post-surgical chiropractic treatment programs may require more frequent visits, making it even more important that the chiropractor is nearby.

When you find a nearby practice in Selden or Smithtown, New York like ours, ask for a consultation meeting. You will be receiving close, personal treatment from the chiropractor, so it’s important they’re kind, courteous, and professional. Be sure to ask questions that will let you know they have experience. While there, see if you can have a tour and breakdown of the treatments you’ll be receiving. Take note of the cleanliness of the facility and whether patients are being actively treated or if there are long waits to see the chiropractor. You want to have a good idea of the atmosphere before you commit to treatment.

After you’ve narrowed down a few different practices nearby that offer the treatment you require, you have to consider how much it will cost. If you have a healthcare provider you intend to use, make sure the practice accepts the insurance before making an appointment.

If you’re looking to get the most out of your chiropractic care in Selden, contact us to make an appointment. We have two convenient locations on Long Island in Selden and Smithtown, specializing in several different services that will get you back to feeling normal.

Chiropractic Care in Selden Can Lower Blood Pressure

Are you struggling with high blood pressure levels? Are you seeking a more natural treatment? At Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness located in Smithtown and Selden, we can help lower your blood pressure with chiropractic care.

A basic philosophy of chiropractic care is that treatments help to balance the body, in natural ways, among all bodily systems. It has been proven that after a chiropractic adjustment in Selden to the Atlas vertebra, located at the bottom of the skull, blood pressure levels decrease significantly. Realigning the Atlas vertebra to the rest of the spine has been more successful in treatment than prescribing a patient two high blood pressure medications.

High blood pressure levels are mostly genetic, however, there are some rare symptoms to look out for. You should see a doctor about high blood pressure if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Confusion

More severe and emergent symptoms include severe anxiety, severe headaches, and shortness of breath. High blood pressure needs to be taken seriously as there are harmful long-term effects to the body such as:

  • Kidney damage
  • Vision loss
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Fluid buildup in lungs
  • Memory loss

Since the long-term effects of having high blood pressure are so serious, it is important to check your blood pressure levels. We aim for a holistic and natural approach to treatment at Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness in Smithtown and Selden. We will naturally treat your high blood pressure and prevent you from long-term effects without the use of medication. Give us a call if you have high blood pressure.

How Can Chiropractic Care Improve Athletic Ability?


selden chiropractor

If you’re an athlete, and you’re looking for a chiropractor in Selden, you should consider the services that Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy can offer you. Our ability to maximize the potential out of any athlete is a skill that we take great pride in utilizing. The chiropractic techniques that we use at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy are specially designed to help improve your athletic ability, leading to greater performance on the field. By pursuing chiropractic care, you may potentially see progress in the following athletic areas:


Reduced Wear & Tear

It’s no secret that being an athlete can deal a great amount of punishment to your body. Whether you play a contact sport like football or you’re wearing your legs out as a cyclist, being an athlete requires optimal performance from several different muscle groups throughout your body. Fortunately, chiropractic care is an outstanding way of maintaining this stress and keeping you physically dominant. By undergoing regular adjustments, you should see improved flexibility, which therefore will assist your athleticism.


Treatment of Sports-Related Injuries

Unfortunately, being an athlete can put you at risk for various injuries that may require an arduous rehabilitation process for recovery. If that is the case, you should consider using chiropractic care to get you back onto the field. Chiropractic techniques can get you feeling comfortable again after suffering an injury, helping to aid the healing process. Minor injuries can also be more easily avoided with chiropractic care. Spinal adjustments can potentially reduce irritation of the nerve roots between the vertebrae, which can help injuries to heal at a more rapid pace.


Decreased Pain

Most athletes will tell you that what drives them is their motivation. This may lead you to decide to play through an injury, which can lead to several complications. Playing through an injury may put you at risk for greater harm, and it is not something that should be condoned. But dealing with pain is something that can be assisted with chiropractic care, allowing you to maintain peak physical performance. By reducing pain, your ability as an athlete should remain unharmed.


How Can I Correct My Posture?

Posture issues can have many detrimental health effects, especially because posture habits are some of the most difficult to break, as posture is reinforced in every daily action we take and it requires constant effort to overcome years of habit. If you consistently and repetitively engage in any strained position, it can result in back pain, neck pain, or a variety of nerve issues stemming from these larger problems. Our Smithtown and Selden chiropractic team will help you to overcome your posture problems and start working towards a better spinal and full-body balanced alignment.

Chiropractic care in Selden for posture problems does not just entail spinal adjustments, it encompasses more of a whole-body approach. Your chiropractor will help plan an approach to solving your posture issues, including pointers about how to properly position your body in common positions and also designating exercises to help balance out your muscles. Block Chiropractic Sports & Wellness in Selden, NY and Smithtown, NY,  will work with you to ensure that you don’t suffer from posture-related issues. Contact us today to start your path to recovery and a healthier life!

If you’re in need of a chiropractor in Selden, Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy can help improve your athletic ability and maximize your potential. Contact us today for an appointment and to see what our many services can offer you.

Chiropractor for Posture in Selden NY


Segment 1 of 5.

I know what you’re thinking: posture is boring! We can all picture our parents yelling “stand up straight” or “your neck and back are going to hurt if you don’t hold your head up.” As much as your parents are correct, this blog post is going to focus on other areas of our health you may not have known are influenced by your posture. We’re going to talk about respiration, digestion, cardiac function, spinal health and overall happiness as it relates to your posture.

Let’s start today with breathing and we will continue this series and explore digestion, cardiac function, spinal health and overall happiness in future blogs by Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy.


What is poor posture?

Poor posture is not just a childhood issue. We all sit too much, spend too much time on our electronic devices, stress excessively, eat inflammatory type foods and suffer from a lack of physical activity each and every day. Several of us sit 8 hours a day for work and/or come home and sit on the couch watching endless hours of Netflix. Sitting alone can increase the thoracic kyphosis (hunchback), round our shoulders and push our head forward. This adds stress to the mid-back, ribs and muscles of respiration, making it difficult to expand your lungs fully. This will make it difficult to breath in and out fully causing what could be diagnosed as asthma or an asthma-like condition.

Here are some facts I took DIRECTLY from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) about limited respiration (asthma):


  • How Common Is Asthma?
    • 1 in 13 people have asthma.
    • More than 25 million Americans have asthma.
      • 7.7 percent of adults
      • 8.4 percent of children
    • Asthma has been increasing since the early 1980’s in all age, sex and racial groups.
    • Asthma is more common in adult women than adult men.
    • African-Americans in the U.S. die from asthma at a higher rate than people of other races or ethnicities.
    • More than 11.4 million people with asthma, including more than 3 million children, report having had one or more asthma episodes or attacks in 2017.
    • Asthma is the leading chronic disease in children.
    • Asthma is more common in children than adults.
    • Asthma is more common in boys than girls.
    • Currently, there are about 6.2 million children under the age of 18 with asthma.
    • In 2017, 1 in 12 children had asthma.
    • It is the top reason for missed school days.
      • In 2013, about 13.8 million missed school days were reported due to asthma.


Diagnosis of Asthma:

Now that I have your attention on just how common Asthma is in the US, lets discuss how we determine the diagnosis? We start with a personal history of shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing and tightness in the chest. A physical exam of ears, nose, throat, skin, chest and lungs as well as lung function testing. This includes spirometry, peak airflow, FeNO (exhaled nitric oxide) and provocation testing. This testing is often performed by a pulmonologist, ear nose and throat doctor and/or cardiologists. We at Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, include in our subjective questioning complaints of these symptoms, as wells objectively look at rib expansion, quality of breath, respiration rate, pulse and endurance.


How posture is related to Asthma:

Testing for Asthma has a lot of components, as you can see from the description above. Certified testers must look very specifically at every detail. However, one component we feel that often gets overlooked is the child or adult’s posture during testing! Is the client sitting up or slouching? Is their head held high or looking down?

Did you know that posture can progressive worsen over the years and cause a change in respiration mechanics and efficiency? Poor posture is commonly seen when one sits too long, plays too many video games, spends too much time on their phone/iPad/laptop, and/or remains sedentary for long periods of time at work or school. Studies show that these prolonged postures will affect the strength and health of breathing muscles including the diaphragm which will further limit breathing. This becomes especially troublesome after sitting in class or at work for several hours and then participating in gym class or exercise afterward! Just think, you just spent multiple hours hunched forward, limiting expansion of ribs and then you increase the demand dramatically and quickly on those same structures. The body may not be able to adjust that quickly and cause difficulty with breathing and cause symptoms similar to asthma.


How asthma is often treated and complications:

Asthma is often treated through medication, including Corticosteroids, Short and Long-Acting Beta Antagonists, oral steroids, Leukotriene Modifiers, Mast Cell Stabilizers, and Immunomodulators. Prolonged corticosteroid use can cause serious side effects. Let’s review what medications are currently being used and their side effects.

Inhaled Corticosteroids 


  • Oral candidiasis (thrush), a common fungal infection of the mouth
  • Dysphonia (hoarseness), usually short-term
  • Sore mouth or throat
  • A reflex cough or spasms of the trachea (windpipe)
  • Slight reduction in growth in children
  • Decreased bone density in adults
  • Easy bruising
  • Clouding of the eye (cataract)
  • Increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma)
  • Decreased life span

Short and Long-Acting Beta Antagonists (Albuterol)


  • Increased heart rate
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness or tremors
  • Rash

Oral Steroids Side Effects


  • Weight gain
  • Fluid retention
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Growth suppression in children
  • Osteoporosis in adults
  • Muscle weakness
  • Cataracts and glaucoma
  • Diabetes
  • Decreased life span

Leukotriene Modifiers (Singulair (montelukast))


  • Stomach upset
  • Headache
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Nervousness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Nasal congestion
  • Rash

Mast Cell Stabilizers (Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil)


  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Cough
  • Itchy or a sore throat
  • Headache
  • Nasal congestion
  • Anaphylaxis, rarely

Immunomodulator (Xolair) 


  • Swelling and pain at the injection site
  • Viral illness
  • Upper respiratory tract infections
  • Sinusitis
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Anaphylaxis, rarely


How WE treat asthma and related postural dysfunctions:

At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, we take posture and respiratory effects seriously. We perform very diligent subjective and objective evaluations to determine of posture could be causing these symptoms. If a patient with breathing difficulty also has poor posture, their posture must be addressed. Hopefully, with postural education and correction, they can drastically reduce their use of medication and or discontinue their use all together. We have found that every asthmatic will benefit from posture work, spine and rib mobilization/manipulation and nutritional advice.


Contacting A Local Chiropractor in Selden

For more information on posture contact our office Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy at 631-543-0004 or post your comments below.


Be sure to stay tuned for segments 2-5!

Based on 45 reviews
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Jillian Gilbert

19:22 02 Jun 20
Highly recommend Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy. First off, the staff is by far the friendliest and most helpful of any office I have ever been to. I've only had to go for physical therapy, but while I am there, I have gotten to know the chiropractors as well. The assistants are super helpful. During the closure Dr Ron reached out to check up and see how I was doing. I would definitely recommend them to anyone who needs chiropractic care or physical therapy care.
Susan Allison

00:32 22 May 20
My family and I have been patients of both Dr Block and Dr Ron Masone - they are great. They have helped us for a all kinds of injuries. The entire staff is professional and knowledgeable. I look forward to going and highly recommend them.

19:16 06 Feb 20
Very friendly and professional environment.Dr. Block is very knowledgeable, and he ensures you become knowledgeable about your care as well. He explains everything in great detail, and will answer any question you may have . Staff is very knowledgeable as well. Great place to get care
Amanda Flores

19:46 11 Dec 19
I got referred to this office and I’m so glad i did i Usually see Dr Anthony or Dr block and they are seriously the nicest people ever . Dr block is always joking around making light out of everything . I highly recommend anyone and everyone to go to Dr blocks office see him or Dr Anthony ! Also the staff that works here are amazing too .
Debbie Casserly

17:43 06 Nov 19
I highly recommend Block.Chiropractic, the staff is friendly, knowledgeable and extremely helpful! I’ve never had a real chiropractic experience before them, they focus on you and get you better with extra knowledge, advice and support!
philtheodorou123 .

19:54 18 May 19
I’ve been going to Dr. Blocks office for the past couple of months now and they have helped me a lot. Very professionally run. Little to no wait time with any of my appointments and the staff is very friendly. But most importantly I’m getting results and feeling better. Thank you and your team!

15:40 26 Feb 19
I am a new patient and I couldn’t ask for a better place to go for chiropractic care and physical therapy. The chiropractic staff and physical therapy staff are outstanding ! My neck and back problems have virtually disappeared because of the outstanding chiropractic care I have received from Dr Block and his staff. I am also receiving physical therapy for a tear in my left shoulder and bicep. Dr. Rob has done an outstanding job treating my injuries to the point I feel confident about my return to competitive athletics. I highly recommend this facility for anyone in need of great quality chiropractic care or physical therapy !
habeeb hussaini

04:02 30 Jan 19
I started with the team here after a car accident. I had trouble sleeping, severe neck/back pain and a torn rota-tor cuff. With their help I have been sleeping better and well on the road to recovery. Dr. Block is a straight shooter who is about wellness and not interested in making a quick buck. He is all about helping you make better choices so that you can attain optimal health. Ron the PT is very dedicated in getting you to your goals. He was great with me but is even greater with children. The entire staff there goes out of there way to welcome you. I highly recommend this facility if you are serious about feeling and living better.

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