Avoiding Common Winter Sports Injuries

Whether it’s going to an early morning hockey practice or hitting the ski slopes, athletes are regularly putting themselves at risk to play the sports they love. However much joy and exhilaration these sports bring, there are many times that athletes injure themselves and are forced to get proper treatment. To avoid the hassle of a sprained ankle, a pulled muscle, or a broken bone, follow these steps to avoid winter sports injuries:
  • Warm-up – A few simple dynamic stretches keep your muscles warm and loose. Cold muscles and ligaments are prone to injury.
  • Stay conditioned – Working out and staying in shape helps prevent possible injury. Sports like ice hockey and skiing require a high-level of lower extremity strength, so a focus on leg exercises can benefit you.
  • Learn when to relax – If you’re feeling sore or are in pain, don’t be a hero. Playing through injuries and discomfort only increase the risk of worsening the injury. Properly treat the issue and give it enough time to heal before playing again.
  • Get the right gear – Especially for skiers, the proper equipment like goggles and a helmet will help prevent a nasty injury from occurring. Also, dressing in layers and wearing the proper footwear will make you less susceptible to sickness and getting frostbite.
It’s good to stay safe this winter and avoid an injury you can. At Block Sports Chiropractic & Physical Therapy, we promote healthy lifestyles to avoid health complications and we’re always dedicated to helping our patients!